Free shipping within the U.S. on orders above $35!


Return Policy

60 Day Return Policy:

You may return any unused and unopened item purchased from us for any reason within Sixty (60) days of your purchase date.

If you purchased your merchandise through a “Buy Three, Get Two Free” or similar offer, ALL items must be returned in order to receive a refund.
If you return a partial amount of merchandise, you will forfeit the free product and receive a refund on the discount price per item based on the total purchase.

Opened Items are Non Refundable.

Shipping and Handling Fees are Non Refundable.

RMA requests must be made online and submitted with your order information and explanation of the why you wish to return the product.

Please call or email for an RMA.

If you return your product without a RMA number you will not be refunded.

For returns via mail, you must carefully package the product, you are responsible for the cost of return shipping, and we must physically receive the return within the 60-day period.

BIOWELLNESSX reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any return that does not comply with these requirements.

Once your return has been received, a credit to your card or refund check will be issued and an e-mail confirmation will be sent within 7-10 business days.

*Refund Processing and Restocking Fee: $6 Per item e.g. 1 bottle return = $6 Fee. 2 bottle return – $12 Fee

age verification

are you at least 21 years old?

yes, i amno, i'm not