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Comparing Delta-11 vs. Delta-9 THC: Effects, Benefits, and More

Published on April 1, 2023
Delta-11 vs Delta-9 THC

Are you someone who enjoys the effects of marijuana or hemp but is looking for something a bit stronger? Then Delta 11 THC might be just the thing for you. It’s an increasingly popular cannabinoid that has been gaining traction among cannabis users in recent years – and it’s not hard to see why.

The popularity of Delta-11 THC is largely due to its enhanced psychoactive qualities compared to its cousin Delta-9 THC. Delta-11 THC, also known as 11-Hydroxy-THC, offers similar effects as its more familiar cousin, Delta-9 THC.

In this article, we’ll discuss what makes these two cannabinoids different from one another and explore how they can both benefit your experience with marijuana. So buckle up because here comes everything you need to know about Delta 11 vs. Delta 9 THC!

Main Key Points

  • Delta-11 THC, or 11-Hydroxy-THC, is a rare cannabinoid found in trace amounts in cannabis plants, similar to related strains like Delta-9 and Delta-10.
  • Due to its potency, most cannabis users should start with a fractional dosage of any Delta-11 THC product until personal tolerance is clearly defined.
  • With the passing of 2018’s Farm Bill, psychedelic hemp-derived Delta-11 products are considered federally legal to produce, sell, and possess in the United States.

What Are the Defining Characteristics of Delta-11 THC?

Delta-11 THC, or Delta-11 tetrahydrocannabinol, is a rare but powerful cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, including the hemp plant. A relative newcomer to the modern cannabis industry, D11THC has the highest potency of all hydroxy THCs. This makes it an excellent choice for those seeking relief from chronic pain and other conditions.

Delta-11 THC acts on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the same way as other hemp-derived cananbinoids. The ECS regulates many physiological processes, including appetite, sleep, mood, and immune function.

But what is 11-Hydroxy-THC, and what makes it so special? Let’s take a closer look at some of its unique characteristics.

The main difference between Delta-9 and Delta-11 is that the latter is simply a more potent form. While both compounds interact with CB1 receptors to produce the same benefits on the body—including relaxation and euphoria—Delta-11 THC produces stronger psychoactive effects due to its higher potency. This means users may experience greater feelings of pleasure or sedation when taking this particular compound.

Additionally, research suggests that Delta-11 could be beneficial for treating certain medical conditions such as glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), depression, anxiety disorders, and inflammation-related pain syndromes, among others. With its newfound popularity, preliminary evidence suggests that Delta-11 can provide significant therapeutic benefits without severe side effects when taken in moderate doses.

Effects of Delta-11 THC

The Biological Effects of Delta-11 THC

11-Hydroxy-THC has been identified as having higher affinity for cannabinoid receptors than other forms. It is believed to have greater potential to produce beneficial and euphoric effects than Delta-9. However, this means it could potentially cause more adverse effects as well.

The chemical structure of Delta-11 contains an additional double bond between two carbons compared to D9THC.

This specific configuration allows it to bind more readily with receptors in the brain and body, creating stronger pharmacological activity and producing more pronounced physiological responses when consumed.

Additionally, Delta 11’s unique molecular shape makes it difficult for enzymes in the liver and gastrointestinal tract to break down into metabolites as its predecessor does; therefore, it stays longer in the system resulting in sustained psychoactive effects over time.

Continuing studies show that Delta-11 is a potential therapeutic agent for those who consume cannabis. This is due to its enhanced ability at activating pathways associated with pain relief, anti-inflammatory action, and neuroprotective properties.

What Are the Defining Characteristics Of Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is the most traditional psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana. As one of the favorite cannabinoids today, 9-Hydroxy-THC offers a variety of continuous benefits.

The primary difference between Delta-11 THC vs. Delta-9 THC is their structure.

Delta 11 has an extra methyl group attached to its molecular chain, changing its shape and enhancing its potency. So while both Delta-9 THC and Delta-11 produce the same continuous psychoactive benefits, Delta-9 is slightly less potent.

Delta-9 THC is known for its balance between energetic and relaxing euphoria. Those who typically use cannabinoid products holistically describe it as a Sativa-hybrid strain.

The Biological Effects of Delta-9 THC

Like Delta-11, Delta-9 interacts directly with our endocannabinoid system. This important system helps us maintain our health by regulating things like mood, pain, immune function, and more. When Delta-9 enters the bloodstream, it binds to receptors in the ECS which trigger its various effects.

So while 9-Hydroxy-THC may be responsible for delivering those potent highs users experience after smoking or ingesting cannabis products – it’s also doing much more than just providing short-term relief from anxiety or depression. It’s helping regulate key areas of your health over time.

While individual responses will vary depending upon factors such as dosage amount and personal tolerance levels. Understanding these basics, and speaking with a healthcare practitioner, can help people make safer decisions about whether or not to try either type of product.

Differences In Psychoactivity

The debate between Delta 9 THC and Delta 11 THC is one that has been raging since the discovery of these two closely related compounds in cannabis.

At first glance, it may appear that Delta-9 offers more potent effects than its counterpart, however, both compounds offer similar benefits to those who use them medicinally or recreationally.

The difference lies primarily in how they are metabolized by the body. Delta-9 is broken down quickly while Delta-11 remains intact longer and therefore produces a longer-lasting experience. This means that if you want to benefit from an extended period of enhanced mental clarity, anti-anxiety, or pain relief without feeling overwhelmed by strong psychoactive effects, then Delta-11 might be your best choice.

Differences In Metabolism and Potency

MetabolismDelta 9 THCDelta 11 THC
Conversion rate (hours)2-31
Onset of effectsFasterSlower
Duration of effectsShorterLonger

Cannabinoid conversion plays an important role in determining how effective a product will be when consumed orally or sublingually. The conversion rate for Delta-9 is two to three hours, while that of Delta-11 is only one hour. This means that when taking either form, you will experience faster onset with Delta-9 as compared to Delta-11.

However, it also means that the effects of Delta-9 won’t last as long. Delta-9 effects usually last four to six hours, compared to eight or more for Delta-11.

Want to learn more about Delta-9 THC Gummies? Read our thorough review here.

What About Potency?

Delta 9-THC is considered one of the most potent forms of THCs, with an average concentration rate ranging between 10-20%. However, Delta-11 THC has been found to be around 20-30% more powerful than its Delta-9 counterpart.

That said, how strong Delta 11 THC will be can vary depending on its source — some strains may contain higher levels while others may not.

The legal status of Delta 9 and Delta 11 THC is somewhat complicated.

Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been classified as an illegal substance for many years due to its psychoactive effects on users. This means that it’s illegal to possess or use marijuana products containing more than 0.3% delta-9 THC by weight in most states and countries around the world.

In contrast, due to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp-derived THC products may be legally grown under certain governmental regulations if the total concentration of THC does not exceed 0.3%. It’s important to note that some states have passed laws allowing licensed producers to cultivate hemp plants specifically for the purpose of extracting oils containing high concentrations of delta-11 THC, while others have strict restrictions on hemp and hemp production.

Medical Uses For Delta-11 THC

BenefitHow Does it Work?Evidence-Based Support
Helps to reduce inflammation/pain reliefDelta 11 binds with receptors in the body to reduce pain signals and block certain pathways responsible for inflammation.One study showed Delta 11 had beneficial results on improving sleep quality over time when taken regularly at night before bedtime.
May provide antiemetic (anti-nausea) effectsClinical trials suggest Delta 11 helps reduce vomiting due to chemotherapy treatments. This could be because it stimulates hunger, making patients more likely to eat during treatment sessions.Studies have shown Delta 11 may help with reducing symptoms associated with chronic pain such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.
Could improve sleep qualityDelta 11 activates receptors in the central nervous system, helping promote relaxation and improved sleep habits.One study showed Delta 11 had beneficial results in improving sleep quality over time when taken regularly at night before bedtime.

These three main benefits demonstrate how versatile this naturally occurring compound can be when used medicinally. Additionally, other products like broad-spectrum CBD gummies may work synergistically with Delta 11 THC to enhance their respective effects.

Medical Uses For Delta-9 THC

When using Delta 9 THC therapeutically, users may experience relief from pain, inflammation, nausea, and vomiting associated with chemotherapy treatments; alleviation of symptoms of certain autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis; reduction in seizures caused by epilepsy and other neurological disorders; improvement in sleep quality; increased appetite for those suffering from anorexia nervosa or cachexia syndrome; and mood stabilization that helps lessen anxiety and depression.

In addition to these more widely recognized benefits of 9-Hydroxy-THC, some research suggests that this compound may also help reduce blood pressure levels, improve overall cardiovascular health, suppress tumor growth, treat psoriasis, and modulate bone metabolism.

Overall, there’s no denying the potential healing properties offered by Delta 9 THC.

Take any medication? You might want to read our breakdown on how Delta-9 interacts with other drugs.

Potential Side Effects Of Both Compounds

The most common side effect of Delta-11 and Delta-9 THC is an increased heart rate. This can sometimes lead to anxiety and panic attacks in some individuals. Additionally, they may cause dizziness and dry mouth in certain cannabis users. It’s important to note that this compound can be detected in drug tests for up to 30 days after consumption, so if you’re subject to regular testing at work or school, you may want to opt out of using it altogether.

As far as negative effects go, Delta-11 isn’t quite as potent as its cousin; however, it still carries risks that should not be ignored. Some people experience headaches when consuming higher doses of this compound, while others report feeling disoriented and confused. This is why it’s best to start off slow with a smaller dose until your body gets used to the new substance.

It’s important to note that many verified users and clinical studies demonstrate that hemp-derived cannabinoids typically come with less risk of adverse side effects than traditional marijuana-derived products.

Where Can Users Buy the Best THC Products Online?

Buying THC products online allows you to purchase from a wide range of strains that offer unique health benefits and psychedelic effects. From tinctures to edibles, there’s something out there for everyone.

But shopping online also comes with its own risks. You must be absolutely confident in both brand and product quality.

At BioWellnessX, we specialize creating in the highest-quality THC products on the cannabis market. It starts with our premium, US-grown hemp, developed exclusively using organic practices. This creates the ultimate THC distillate in purity, effectiveness, and consistency. Our THC products, from Delta-9 THC gummies to Delta-8 vape pens, are third-party tested in independent labs to ensure every batch meets our exceptional standards.

If you want to buy high-quality THC online, check out our entire top-of-the-line inventory HERE!

Final Thoughts: The Difference Between Delta-9 and Delta-11

It’s often said that knowledge is power; this certainly applies to understanding what cannabinoids may offer and how they interact with your body. Knowing the difference between these two compounds will help you make better decisions about which one might work best for your particular health needs.

When it comes down to it, no matter which cannabinoid you choose – whether it’s Delta-11 or delta-9 – do your research first! Delta-11 is about 20-30% as powerful as Delta-9. It can last longer and provide enhanced effects. Knowing about their benefits and effects will allow users to have greater control of their unique cannabis experience.

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More Articles About Hemp-Derived THC


  1. Clinical Study – The Effects and Social Health Implications of THC Use
  2. Metabolism of Delta-11 Tetrahydrocannabinol
  3. Clinical Study – The Synthesis of Delta-11
  4. WebMD – Delta-9 THC: Uses, Side Effects, and More

FAQs About Delta-11 vs Delta-9

Will Delta-11, or 11-hydroxy-THC, show up on a drug test?

Unfortunately, since 11-hydroxy-THC is in the tetrahydrocannabinol family, it will most likely cause a failed drug test. If you’re subject to drug tests, we highly recommend choosing zero-THC options like Broad-Spectrum CBD oil, which can provide the same benefits without any traceable THC.

Does Delta-11 tetrahydrocannabinol deliver an intense euphoria or more mild effects?

Though considered a “new” cannabinoid, cannabis experts have known about 11-Hydroxy-THC for decades. This variation is up to 3x stronger than Delta-9 THC, the most common psychedelic in hemp and marijuana plants. So most likely, users can expect to experience powerful, long-lasting effects as the body breaks down D11.

Delta-11 THC vs Delta-9 THC, what’s the difference between the two substances?

In reality, these two compounds are more similar than they are different. With a slightly different chemical structure, Delta-11 can produce the same benefits and effects as Delta-9 THC but with enhanced and prolonged effects.

Are there any other cannabinoids with the same strong effects or longer-lasting effects?

There’s seemingly no limit to the number of beneficial cannabinoid products today. THCp is a THC variant up to 33x more potent than Delta-9, while Delta-8 THC is like a traditional indica strain.

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